Gary Bettman Isn't Opposed to Expanded Replay, And That's Just Too Darn Funny

By Sam Blazer on May 29, 2019 at 9:40a

The 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs have been filled with plenty of controversy.

Whether it be a hand pass (Timo Meier) or possibly even contact to the head on a hit (Charlie McAvoy), there have been plenty of moments to give people pause.

The Blue Jackets were shortchanged by a couple of calls this postseason, but whether or not they could've turned the tide of the series doesn't matter. Getting it right is the most important part of it all. Apparently, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman agrees – and before Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final when asked about the replay shortcomings, he realized they can be better.

"I know these playoffs have featured some controversial moments," Bettman said. "What we are currently doing, may not be enough. If we are to extend the replay, we have to do it without hurting the pace of our game."

Hurting the pace of the game? At the end of the day, it's about getting it right and ensuring that the game isn't being ridiculed the next day due to the horrible calls that are being made on the ice. The five minutes we have to wait to get it right may be a tiny time suck, but fans across the board would prefer that to the alternative.

The NHL doesn't have to get to the level of the other big sports. Yet, if they want to continue to grow, this is a sore spot that they need to cover up sooner rather than later. 

Heck, even the head of the entire league sees its faults.