1st Ohio Battery Commenting Policy

As a community, we welcome all thoughts, whether they be supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. We do, however, have a short list of rules that you will agree to whenever you post a comment on 1st Ohio Battery.

Avoid Politics, Religion & Hot-Button Social Issues

Sorry, we just don't want any of that stuff around here and discussing one of those topics is a quick path to having your account terminated.

We've always believed the quickest way to ruin a good conversation is to bring up politics and you could say the same for a handful of other topics for other topics like religion, gun control, immigration, abortion, etc.

Don't Be a Jerk

This one is simple. Don't do these things:

  • Leave abusive or hateful comments related to race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
  • Hurl personal attacks on another site member
  • Comment with profane material, excessive cursing or disgusting images
  • "If you knew anything about football..." or "It's obvious you never played the game..."
  • "FIRST!"

Respect Sources

Do not copy and paste entire articles from other sources. Limit your copypasta to a couple of paragraphs, if possible, and include a link to the source. Earn the love of the commentariat by using the Quote button.

Please respect premium content at other sites. What is premium content? It's something you must pay for or otherwise have a subscription to view.

Stay on Topic

All viewpoints are welcome, but comments should remain on topic. If you can't contain yourself, a new forum topic is only a click away.

Don't Troll

We enjoy friendly banter with fans of other programs. Even the fans of the raging tire fire 45 miles west of Detroit. Feel free to back your school with all of the pride, but know your audience. If you're here to troll, you won't stay long.

Keep Perspective & Have Fun

Things will get heated, especially after losses. Whenever you feel yourself overheating, take a couple of deep breaths and step away from the keyboard. This is only the internet.

Why We may Close Comments

Every now and then, we'll close comments on an article. We don't love to do that, but we will if it's necessary. For instance, if George Bush and Barack Obama show up for a Blue Jackets morning skate (and score mad goals), we kind of have to report on that, but opening up comments would not end well.

Wait, what about PLUS-MINUS Rating?

Glad you asked. If you have a great comment, expect to earn points. If you say something dumb, expect to lose points. In this manner, you'll accumulate a plus-minus rating on the site.